
Mine tailings dams and tailings dumps

More and more, waste management in mining requires special attention, not only for the environmental liabilities generated by the infrastructure associated with its management, but also for its potential for reuse within the activity itself or other industries. MINEPRO has participated in the design of mining waste management for several projects, as well as in the study of alternatives for their valorization, as is the case of the following projects:

El Cerco (Córdoba)
Laboratory tests for the reprocessing of old smelting slags containing Cu, Pb, Au, Ag and rare earths.
Bahía de Portman
Laboratory tests for the use of the magnetite contained in the sludge deposited in the bay as a result of the mining activity carried out until the 1990s in the Sierra de la Unión.
La Parrilla ( Cáceres)
Laboratory testing, plant design, construction and commissioning of facilities for the reprocessing of old mine tailings for scheelite recovery.
Penouta ( Galicia)
Pilot plant trials for the reprocessing of old tailings ponds for cassiterite and tantalite recovery.
Gossan ( Huelva)
Pilot plant trials for the reprocessing of the old tailings pond for gold and silver recovery.
Filón Sur ( Huelva)
Pilot plant trials and plant design for the reprocessing of old heap leach pads for gold and silver recovery.

Mineral waste

Just like in the mining industry, where waste generates significant impacts, there are other activities that also face similar challenges. In this sense, it is crucial to find ways to reuse these wastes, as it can have significant benefits in reducing the demand for raw materials in various industrial processes. In our company, we take pride in collaborating with several projects at the national level, focusing mainly on the ceramic, marble, and olive industries, where we actively pursue this objective. We work closely with companies and organizations in these industries to identify innovative solutions that allow for the efficient use of the waste generated during their production processes.


Through the implementation of sustainable practices and the promotion of the circular economy, we seek to transform these wastes into valuable resources.


In the ceramic industry, for example, we collaborate on projects that seek to reuse and recycle waste from the production of tiles and ceramics, transforming them into new materials or aggregates for use in other manufacturing processes. This reduces both waste generation and the need to extract new raw materials.


In the marble industry, we explore solutions for the use of waste from the extraction and processing of marble. These wastes, which were previously considered useless, can have applications in the production of composite materials, fillers for construction, and even energy generation.


In the olive sector, we work on projects that promote the use of by-products generated during the production of olive oil. These by-products, can be used as alternative fuels or as raw materials in the cosmetics and chemical industry.


Our approach goes beyond mere waste management. We strive to find solutions that not only reduce environmental impacts but also generate economic value and contribute to the long-term sustainability of these industries. We firmly believe in the potential of the circular economy and the importance of collaboration between different sectors to achieve a more sustainable future.